Arabic Coffee Service


Today only — 33% off our special coffee

Visit today and get a complimentary gift voucher worth AED150.


Why Choose Us

Three reasons to choose our services

Premium Service

Fresh and Organic

Competitive Price

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Serving with a Smile!

Experience the rich heritage of Arab coffee cultivation while enjoying cheerful.

Packages For Everyone

Discover our best packages, meticulously crafted to enhance your experience and tailored to meet your needs. Unlock exclusive deals and savings today!

AED 1300

Hot Drinks

Cold Drinks

AED 1800

Hot Drinks

Cold Drinks

AED 2200

Hot Drinks

Cold Drinks

AED 3000

Hot Drinks

Cold Drinks

AED 4000

Hot Drinks

Cold Drinks

AED 5400

Hot Drinks

Cold Drinks

33% off for today only

Enjoy a special 33% discount on all orders!

Why Arabic Coffee Service?

At Arabic Coffee  Service, we are dedicated to bringing the time-honored tradition of Arabic coffee to the bustling city of Dubai. Our service is designed to offer an authentic and immersive experience that showcases the rich cultural heritage and hospitality of the Arab world through the art of coffee making.

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Video Highlights


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Frequently Asked Questions

Our mission is to preserve and celebrate the ritual of Arabic coffee, making it accessible and enjoyable for everyone in Dubai.

We offer an authentic and immersive experience that showcases the rich cultural heritage and hospitality of the Arab world through the art of coffee making.

We aim to provide an authentic and immersive experience that highlights the rich cultural heritage and hospitality associated with Arabic coffee making.

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